Photo by Rozaliya Lazarova from

4. Dachshund

Wieners can live up to 16 years! The famous breed is widely known for its hilarious, yet adorable silhouette. The Dachshund dog might have small legs, but their personality is HUGE. They are smart, loving, and friendly.

Dachshund dogs are AMAZING lap dogs, and their legs are the proof for that. Their idea of exercise? Chasing a ball for two minutes then going back to laying around. Their favorite activity? Eating and napping carelessly.

They don’t shed a lot, so you don’t need to worry about grooming. When it comes to their health, they are a very healthy breed. These dogs are the perfect dogs for couch potatoes.

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1 thought on “”

  1. I shared the love with my friend’s Havanese. I always said that he was smarter than all of us.
    Don’t know how the rest of the Havanese are, but the one I know never fetched a ball; however, he loved being loved!!

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