Photo by Spill Photography from Shutterstock

3. Bichon Frise

They live up to 14 or 15 years and they don’t exceed 18 pounds. Their personality is what makes most people fall in love with them. They are charming and very intelligent dogs.

Some may say that these breeds can be WAY too energetic for their stature, but their bursts will only last for a couple of minutes and then they will fall into a deep nap. Just like a toddler. House training can be a bit difficult with some of them, but it’s not impossible.

They are HUGE fans of cuddling and snuggling with their owners. In addition, their coat is hypoallergenic.

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1 thought on “”

  1. I shared the love with my friend’s Havanese. I always said that he was smarter than all of us.
    Don’t know how the rest of the Havanese are, but the one I know never fetched a ball; however, he loved being loved!!

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