Photo by Rohappy / Shutterstock

Do not worry if you see that your dog is carrying its food in every place of the house

There are many dogs that carry their food in absolutely every place of the house before eating, but this is a normal behavior. According to Dr. Jakubowsky, “Your dog is just protecting his valued resource.”

So, they move their food because they want to protect it and they are afraid that someone might steal it. This is really cute, right? In addition, dogs are very influenced by our reaction and our voice is very important in this case, because if we have a positive reaction and laugh or smile they will continue to do so, but if we have a serious tone, they will no longer have that behavior.Ā 


Photo by Koldunova Anna / Shutterstock

Humping is normal in dog behavior

If you have a dog, you probably know that it likes to hump your leg, another animal or different toys and this behavior is perfectly normal.Ā 

“Of course, this [behavior] can be sexual, but often [it] is just playing or even [a display of] aggression/dominance,” said Dr. Jakubowsky.Ā 

It seems that this behavior is very common among dogs that have not been socialized or that are poorly socialized and it usually happens when the dog is too excited and wants to dominate the situation.Ā 

Moreover, dogs like to hump different toys because it feels good and this is a normal behavior, but if your dog does this too often then it is time to see a veterinarian.Ā 


Photo by Chris Leipelt / Unsplash

They become agitated when they sleep

We are allowed to do what we want when we sleep and this rule applies to animals as well. Just like humans, dogs are able to dream and this is why your dog moves their feet or barks when it sleeps.Ā 

So, you will often see this behavior when they sleep because it is a result of dreaming and it is normal. You can look in their eyes though because “you will see the rapid eye movements happening behind their closed lids,” said Dr. Jakubowsky. When their eyes are twitching and moving it means that they are in a deep sleep.Ā 

If you think that your dog can suffer from seizures during sleep, you should call your vet as soon as possible.Ā 


Photo by Alzbeta / Shutterstock

Isn’t it cute when your dog tilts its head?

“The outside of the ear flap is called the pinna and the dog can use it much like a radar dish to hear better,” said Dr. Jakubowsky. So, when your dog does this, it means that it wants to hear better a noise.Ā 

It seems that your dog knows that this is a cute behavior and wants to take advantage of it when it needs something from you, such as a hug, attention, treats or affection.Ā 

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5 thoughts on “”

  1. Thank you! How about this one….my chihuahua mix dog lifts his rear right or left leg when running….cute but is it normal?

  2. Very good information. My dogs show some of these behaviors and now I have some explanations why?
    Thank you for this publication.

  3. Awesome. I have a Havanese and he is like my child to me. aHe likes to lick my head before he goes to sleep in my bed with me. Thanks for the article.


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