What does it mean if your dog eats poop?
If you own a dog, you probably know that it eats poop sometimes and it seems that it is a normal behavior. So, next time when you see that your dog is eating poop you will know the reason.Ā Ā
“Some students citing up to 25% of dogs exhibiting this behavior,” said Dr. Jakubowsky. This behavior is called ācoprophagyā in medical terms and this usually comes from the past from their ancestors, because wolves ate feces to survive when they had no choice. Or it may be caused by malabsorption diseases.
Moreover, some dogs can eat their own poop when they are treated badly by the owner. For example, if the owner adopts an aggressive training with his dog and the pet has an accident and poop in the house, it will eat its own feces to hide the accident because it is afraid of its owner. “Don’t spank or be heavy-handed with your dog when he has a house training accident,” said Dr. Jakubowsky. If you do this, your pet will think that its poop will be punished so it will want to get rid of the evidence. In addition, dirty conditions can lead to eating poop, so try to keep their environment clean.Ā

Ā Your dog winks when they have something in their eyes
Even though it looks really cute when your dog winks at you, the reason is not that adorable. So, your dog winks when it has something in its eyes or experiences a dry eye.Ā
However, many dogs wink when you have eye contact because they want to show you that they are friendly and do not want to hurt you because staring is a sign of threat to dogs. So, yes this action can be angelic and sweet in this case.Ā
5 thoughts on “”
What about dogs that are terrified of storms. Loud noises, our gas stove and fireplace?????
Thank you! How about this one….my chihuahua mix dog lifts his rear right or left leg when running….cute but is it normal?
Very good information. My dogs show some of these behaviors and now I have some explanations why?
Thank you for this publication.
Awesome. I have a Havanese and he is like my child to me. aHe likes to lick my head before he goes to sleep in my bed with me. Thanks for the article.
Ty for info.