Categories: Pets

7 Essential Tips To Get Your Pet Ready For Winter

Go To The Vet

The cold weather can cause discomfort for pets suffering from arthritis, skin problems, or other medical issues. Getting a veterinary checkup before bad weather strikes will ensure your pet is healthy and ready to face the winter season.

Get your pet’s feet ready before going out

Frozen sidewalks and roadways can be uncomfortable and even dangerous for dogs, especially if they are treated with de-icing products like rock salt, warns Dr. Erin Wilson, medical director of the ASPCA Adoption Center. She recommends applying petroleum jelly to their paw pads before venturing outdoors and/or using pet booties to help minimize contact with harmful ice-melting agents.

Invest in cold weather attire for your dog

“If possible, get your pet used to a sweater, coat, or booties ahead of a cold snap, so that when cold weather arrives, they are used to wearing the items and are more relaxed and comfortable with you putting them on,” Wilson says.

Make your pet get used to cold weather gradually

Begin by taking your dog outside for walks as the weather starts to cool off. Start slow and gradually build up the amount of time that you keep your pup outdoors. Wilson also recommends taking your dog for a shorter trip to a cooler area before embarking on a more extended trip.

Don’t give up on flea medication!

Fleas don’t disappear when the weather gets cold, so keeping pets protected is an important part of care year-round. “Fleas can hitch rides into homes and apartments on rats and mice that come inside when the temperatures drop,” Nicholas says. These pests love a warm host, he notes, and will feed off of dogs, cats, and even humans, when the need arises.

Fill your pet’s prescriptions

Whether your pet takes insulin, pain medications, or thyroid medications, you’ll need to have these prescriptions filled and on hand in case of a snowstorm. These events may slow down shipments to stores and veterinary clinics or prevent you from being able to get out and fill last-minute medications, Nicholas says.

Always have an extra snack with you

Snowstorms could keep you and your loved ones cooped up for days, so it’s a good idea to stock up on additional pet food and healthy treats. If you’re in a pinch and find yourself without food in the face of a storm, Nicholas suggests boiling chicken (no bones and no skin) and rice for a bland stand in.

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