Categories: Pets

16 Hilarious Pets That Will Improve Your Day Instantly

What would life be without animals? But without laughing? Some studies say that you will live longer if you have pets because they improve your mood and they make you laugh often. Here are some of the funniest pictures of pets ever!

When everyone’s laughing and you can’t figure out why until you realize you forgot to put your tongue back in your mouth.

There’s no logical reason for cat paws in an egg carton to feel so satisfying, and yet…

Best hecking tech support ever!

Ever try to cuddle in a twin-sized bed?

What do you suppose this dog wants? We may never know.

Ever seen a red panda eating grapes? No? Here ya go!

Ahh, yes, the notoriously vicious pitbull…

Who are these cats, and why do they look like they’re about to drop the sickest rap album of 2017?

Awww, that’s cute!

Maybe she’s born with it?

You know what? This is actually pretty impressive.

We’ve all been there.

“I have no idea who ate your ice cream.”

If you’re shorter than average, this one might hit a little too close to home.

Well-behaved kitties take turns.


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