Categories: Pets

Here’s How to Protect Your Cat From Becoming Obese

Pet obesity is a serious problem that shortens the lives of cats nationwide. Knowing what contributes to your pet’s weight problem will help you make better choices concerning what you feed them and the amount of activity you provide them with on a given day.

Monitor how much you’re feeding them. Based on the manufacturer’s recommendation, what constitutes a serving size? Consider how much your cat weighs and then feed him or her the amount recommended on the bag or box of cat food. Use the right sized bowls and keep from overfilling them.

A large bowl can be deceiving because you may second guess the portion size and give your pet way too much food. Avoid giving them human food often, because many items that you think may be safe for your pet to eat actually aren’t.

Schedule regular check-ups with your vet to make sure your pet is the right weight. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you if your cat is starting to gain weight. They may even be able to determine the cause right away. This will help you set a plan going forward. You may be required to restrict your cat’s calorie intake for the day.

You may even be prescribed medicine to give to your pet to help with whatever health issue may be contributing to their weight gain.

Encourage them to remain active by providing them with items they can climb, jump from, and play with. Some people even go as far as to take their cats for a walk. With a leash and a harness, it’s possible if you train your pet while they’re still young. You can set up a tunnel or maze for them, if your cat isn’t interested in walking.

You can buy a Kitty Stick and reel them in with the ‘bait’. You can toss toys in the air for them to catch and bat around. There are many fun ways to get your cat off the window ledge or sofa and playing.

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