Categories: Pets

Here’s How to Teach Your Dog and Children Live Together

These steps will help you raise kids and dogs together without the existence of a conflict. When a kid grows up with a dog, he will be more communicative and friendly at maturity. They treat other people with love and consideration. Check it out!

First of all, the main thing in this process is that you should provide proper supervision. For avoiding a conflict between your kids and your dog, experts advise that you should not let your children under age 10 alone with a dog. Do the same thing when someone comes to visit you with their children, because they probably don’t know how to behave around a dog, or dogs feel threatened by them and act in consequence.

Try not to punish your dog around kids or vice versa, because their feeling will be negative. Our advice is to create pleasant associations between them.

Praise your dog every time he does something well, this way you encourage him to repeat this action. Raise your children, too, when they treat the dog well.

If your kid participates in taking care of the dog, they both gain confidence and trust in each other.

Show your kids how to handle your dog with love. Demonstrate how to pet your dog, to scratch her chin or belly or find the “right spot” (you’ll know you’ve found it when your dog’s hind leg thumps appreciatively). Remind children that a dog is a living creature with feelings, not a toy – ears, eyes, and tails are not to be pinched, pulled, or poked.

Teach children not to disturb a dog when he or she is resting or eating.

Tell your children to notify you immediately if your dog growls at them. Growling is a defensive response and can easily lead to biting. If it continues, consult a professional and address the problem immediately.

Provide a place for your dog to retreat to when he has had enough attention. This could be a crate or a fenced-off area.

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