Categories: Pets

10 Of The Best Pets For Allergy Sufferers

Portuguese Water Dog

as the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America points out, “People with pet allergies have supersensitive immune systems that react to harmless proteins in the pet’s dander (dead skin that is shed), saliva or urine. These proteins are called allergens.” Further, these allergens can remain potent for several months. The Portuguese water dog is an active breed whose fur is very friendly to those struggling with allergies.

Sphynx Cat

Apparently, the smartest cat breed in the world is also the best choice for allergy sufferers. Most cat allergies are a result of the Fel d 1 glycoprotein, which is present in cat saliva and skin excretions. Scientists assume that the lack of hair of the Sphynx decreases/changes the skin excretions and it makes it friendlier for allergy sufferers.

Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry blue terrier is considered a low-allergy dog because it sheds less dander than some other breeds. It has a trademark soft, wavy coat that is black at birth but fades to a blue gray as the puppy grows. It is also very family-friendly, which makes it perfect for children!

Standard Poodle

Experts tend to recommend this dog to allergy sufferers because “these coats tend to be both tightly curled, and usually lacking in undercoat. This combination tends to keep dead hair from detaching and floating in the air, and it tends to retain the dander, which is the most common source of allergens.”

Devon Rex Cat

As some experts point out, “the Devon rex is also a good potential choice for people who are allergic to cats. While no cat can be truly hypoallergenic, many people with allergies to cats discover they can live comfortably with a Devon rex.”

Bichon Frise

Just like poodles, bichons have a curled coat, which makes it much harder for their dander to escape. Also, if they are groomed constantly, they shed much less dander around the house. As a plus, they’re really friendly!

American Labradoodle

This cross between a Labrador retriever and a poodle is one of the best low-allergen dogs out there. As research has shown, creating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids and keeping the pet hydrated at all times really cuts down on allergens.

Syrian Hamster

Syrian hamsters, the most common pet hamster, are an excellent choice simply because they are generally confined to a small living space. As such, they do not have constant interaction with the home environment. (If you do have a dander allergy, you still may be allergic to the hamster.)

Leopard Gecko

Lizards make excellent pets for people with allergies simply because they are hairless and relatively low maintenance. It is extremely uncommon for a person to be allergic to lizards. They are native to Pakistan, India and Afghanistan and prefer a dry and rocky terrain.


Needless to say, this is the safest option for people who are struggling with allergies. No matter what you’re suffering from, a fish surrounded by water in a bowl would never hurt you in any way. However, if you are determined to go for a dog or cat, it’s best to talk to your doctor first. Always keep certain areas of the house pet-free and clean the house constantly (especially carpets).

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