Categories: Pets

12 Cats Totally Confused By the Snowman

If you didn’t grow up in snowy climate, you might remember how intrigued you were when you saw your first snowfall — and how exciting it was to build your first snowman. For the 12 cats ahead, the whole snowman thing is just CRAZY. They don’t know what to make of it, but it’s pretty hilarious watching them try to figure it out.

Snowman season is here! But, what is a snowman, anyway?

First of all, some are more lifelike than others.

Maybe if you stare at one for a long time, you’ll figure it out.

Seriously, these snowman things are pretty weird.

Maybe they’re just yet another perch to view the world from. (And, a chilly one, at that.)

You can hang out up there for quite a while, if you’ve got the right winter coat on.

Maybe a snowman’s just a new house.

Or, maybe it’s edible? An investigation seems in order.

Yep, definitely edible!

It takes some friends to help figure this stuff out.

And then just when you’re starting to like them, they melt.

So, you’ve got to appreciate them while they last!

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