Categories: Pets

Find Out Why You Should Rather Get an Older Pet

Adopting a new pet is an exciting time. You get to add a new family member to your home and spend time looking for an animal you connect with. Many people look for puppies and kittens when searching for a new pet. However, you might want to consider adopting an older pet. Check it out!

They are calmer – Young animals are very cute and small, but they also have a lot of energy. They require long walks, lots of playtime, and may still act crazy. Older pets have outgrown that baby stage, so they’re usually calmer and have better manners. While they still need exercise and activity, they don’t need quite as much as a puppy or kitten. If you have small children or senior citizens in your home, an older pet is a great option.

They’re less destructive – Because older pets are typically calmer and already trained, they also tend to be less destructive. They’re much less likely to scratch up the furniture or chew on your favorite pair of shoes.

They’re grateful – Older pets know what it’s like to live on the streets or in a shelter. When you bring home an animal that has been abandoned or lived a tough life, it will be extremely grateful. They somehow know that you rescued them and gave them a loving home, and they’ll show their gratitude. Older pets will be loving and loyal for as long as they live.

They’re full grown – When you adopt a puppy from a shelter, especially one that is a mixed breed, you don’t know exactly what you’re getting. That cute little puppy could end up being well over fifty pounds. With an adult animal, you know exactly how big they are so there are no surprises.

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