Categories: Pets

Amazing Reactions To Telling Someone Not To Have A Pup

Back in 2007, one Imgur user told her sister NOT to get a puppy when she had a baby

What she didn’t know then was that the doggie and her niece would become BFFs…

As the girl grew a bit older, the two established a Sunday tradition to watch morning cartoons together

Whatever they were doing – sitting in a car, playing, or just chilling on the couch, the two became inseparable

The adorable duo even walked to school together

 “They’re pretty much the bestest friends ever and I’m eating my words”

Years had passed, and the doggie started to show clear signs of aging, such as getting a grey ‘beard’

But he still allowed himself to be dressed as a princess just to make his best friend happy

This year, after 10 years of being together, the aging canine got some benign tumors removed

And while he’s laying there weak and recovering, the girl doesn’t leave his side

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