Categories: Pets

7 Tips That New Cat Parents Should Know

Photo by Raul Varzar / Unsplash

Adopting a pet is exciting and overwhelming, whether we are talking about domestic pets or exotic ones. But if you decided to adopt a cat and it is your first pet, then you should know some things to make your beloved furry friend feel comfortable and loved. You should know what it means to bring a new cat home, namely their needs and how to socialize it and do not forget that raising an animal is an experience that is loaded with a lot of challenges, responsibilities and rewards.

“When you think about getting a cat, you’re kind of living with a wild animal,” says Stephanie Borns-Weil, a veterinarian and a behaviorist at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. “The cat will be happiest if you can provide an environment with your cat where it gets to do what cats do.”

So, do you think that you are ready to become the best pet parent ever? Then keep reading to find out more things about cats and what you should expect from this new role.  

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They need lots of playtime

When you decide to become a cat parent you should be aware that they need a lot of playtime. In general, felines are very playful animals that need many exercises and toys to keep them focused and active almost all day.

“You have to be ready to play with your cat,” says Borns-Weil. “Kittens are very playful. They have a high need for interaction and stimulation and predatory play. They’re at this stage in life where play is really important to them or their development. You want to provide tons of opportunity for that predatory play.”

Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink / Unsplash

Expect your cat to be active during the night

If you thought that just dogs have zoomies, well, you are wrong, because it seems that cats can get active during the night for no reason as well. Moreover, as you probably know, almost all species of felines – including cats of course – are nocturnal creatures so they should be active during the night. 

“[Cats] will start racing around the house for no apparent reason whatsoever,” says Jenn Corsun, manager of Cat World at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah. “The cat is naturally a nocturnal creature.”

Instead, you can play with your cat during the day to prevent the night activity. This is the best solution to burn off their energy and they will fall asleep at night.

Photo by Marko Blažević / Unsplash

They are professional climbers

Well, cats are professional climbers and love to spend their time looking for new adventures, such as hiking your counters and drapes. That being said, you have to provide them with a safe environment and try to prevent them from getting hurt. To be more specific, try to move small or fragile items that could injure them when climbing. Nonetheless, you should opt for a cat condo or tree, so that your feline can be comfortable and safe. 

“They love to be on top of things and up high surveying down, where they feel most safe and comfortable,” says Borns-Weil. “They’re not trying to be naughty. That’s just where they’re comfortable.”

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam / Unsplash

They like to sit in your sink

Even though it sounds really strange, cats love to sit in your sink because they feel comfortable. “They love running water [but] don’t necessarily like to be in the water,” says Corsun “They’ll sit in the sink for no reason.”

If you do not want your cat to do it, you should cover the sink when you are not home or socialize them so they don’t do that. “Take them down from the sink, put them down on the floor, give them a treat or extra attention. But you need to do that every single time,” says Corsun.

Photo by Sahand Babali / Unsplash

They hide inside boxes

As we said before, some cats love to climb your furniture, while others prefer to hide inside boxes, but it depends on their personality traits and the way you socialized them. It is not a secret that they like to explore everything in your house, but you should know how to socialize them. For instance, if you want to encourage a behavior then give them positive feedback when doing so. 

“If a cat does anything that you think is really cute, and you give them positive feedback, then you’ve actually trained them to go in the bag,” says Borns-Weil. “Provide natural places where they can hide. If you don’t want them to do something, just don’t make it available to them. But if it’s a biological or genetic need, then you want to provide them with opportunities.”

Photo by MaraZe / Shutterstock

They are going to make their own fun

Your cat will try to hunt to make their own kind of fun and you need to provide them with interactive toys to train their natural instincts. 

“No matter how many expensive toys that you buy them, [cats] would rather play with your shoe laces, the box that the toy came in,” says Corsun. “They will chase bugs and mice. They won’t necessarily play with the things that you want them to play with. They’re going to make their own fun.”

Photo by Jonas Vincent / Unsplash

Cats need to knead

Kneading is a common behavior seen in domestic felines, which means pushing in and out with their front paws. This behavior is also known as “making biscuits”. According to Livescience.com, an adult cat “supposedly will knead when it’s feeling happy or content because it associates the motion with the comforts of nursing and its mother.”

“That’s what they do when they nurse,” says Borns-Weil. “It’s not that they’re trying to nurse [you] when they do it. It’s just that they’re having that kind of happy, positive bonding experience.”

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