Categories: Pets

Cops Come to the Rescue Of Coyote Stuck in an Awkward Predicament

Earlier this week, officers from the Massachusetts Environmental Police were called to the scene of one animal’s curious and uncomfortable predicament.

Turns out, while snooping about on someone’s back porch, this unfortunate coyote got trapped in a railing and was unable to escape on her own.

That’s how it all began, anyway. Now, for the tail end!

Though there are some people who care little for coyotes, considering them problem predators who should be shot, the responding officers that day took a far more compassionate approach. They knew this poor coyote’s life was well worth saving.

So, working together, they managed to wiggle her free.

Fortunately, despite the tough spot she’d been in, the coyote appeared to be no worse for the wear.

“Officers did not observe any injuries to the coyote and were successfully able [to] free the animal,” the agency wrote. “Once freed, the coyote ran off without issue.”

The coyote was no doubt grateful that her ordeal was over, but she’s not the only one. Online, the officers’ compassionate approach has earned them some much-deserved praise:

“Great gratitude to you folks for getting [her] freed without incident,” one commenter wrote. “Bravo!”

Source: thedodo.com
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