Categories: Pets

8 Hypoallergenic Pets for People with Allergies

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While there are many people who can’t live without animals, some individuals who love animals can’t live with them because they are allergic to these furry creatures. Isn’t it sad? The good news is that if you want to adopt a pet, a hairless one is not the only solution, because there are a lot of species of animals that are hypoallergenic. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, up to 3 in 10 people with allergies have those sensitivities triggered by dogs and cats.

Medical experts say that dander is the most common pet allergen and can be found on the animal’s fur. Another common allergen is pet saliva because there is a protein that causes allergies in humans. But, fortunately, there are hypoallergenic pets that produce fewer allergens than the other, and now, you can have one without having red eyes and always sneezing.

So, here is a list of some of the best pets for allergy sufferers! Read on for more info and I hope that you will enjoy it!

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Fish and tortoises

If you want a pet but you are not ready for cleaning the dead hair or playing with it often, then you should opt for adopting a fish. “Fish make wonderful pets for people with allergies,” says veterinarian Jennifer Coates, DVM, who serves on the advisory board for Pet Life Today. Moreover, these little creatures require low maintenance costs and are the best pets for people who live in small houses. Also, according to Coates, “reptiles are a good hypoallergenic pet option.”

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According to Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with the Allergy & Asthma Network, “Balinese are known to produce less of the allergen Fel d 1.” This allergen is the most common allergen that can be found in cats. The Balinese cat is not as loud as its relative Siamese, but they will let you know when they are hungry or need something else. They are highly intelligent, agile and athletic. Brush their teeth to prevent periodontal disease and groom it twice a week to remove the dead hair. So, if you want to adopt this hypoallergenic pet breed, you won’t regret your choice. 

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Welsh Terriers

If you want to adopt a fluffy dog, the Welsh terriers are the best option even though you suffer from allergies. “There aren’t many breeds that produce fewer allergy symptoms than the Welsh Terrier,” says Kristin Sandberg, pet lifestyle expert for Rover.com. to make sure that everything will be fine, you have to vacuum frequently and wash your dog often and do not let it in your bed. 

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Parikh recommends that you should adopt a Devon and Cornish Rex cat if you suffer from allergies because they “give off less dander and thus less allergen.” For instance, the Devon Rex is an active, energetic breed that loves to play and permanently want attention. They should also be brushed because their fur is fragile, you can rub it gently with a cloth.

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Unfortunately, many allergy sufferers do not adopt a poodle because of their beautiful hair, but according to medical and animal experts, poodles are hypoallergenic animals that do not cause allergies. “These are the number one dog people who have allergies should consider,” says Ochoa. So, you can adopt one if you want to.

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If you are one of those allergy sufferers you should choose the Siberian cat. “It may be surprising that the Siberian breed is gentle on allergies, considering the long beautiful coat they’re sporting. However, Siberians can sometimes produce less Fel d 1 than other breeds, which is the protein that people negatively react to,” says Sandberg. The Siberian cat is highly affectionate with family and playful when they want to be. You should brush their teeth regularly and groom them at least once a week. 

Photo by Shelby Kasowski / Shutterstock

Shih Tzus

Even though many people do not believe it, this dog breed is actually a great option for you if you suffer from a pet allergy. The Shih Tzus is recommended for people who are allergic to animals, because of their hair-like coat that sheds very little. “These dogs are low allergen,” explains small animal and exotic veterinarian Sara Ochoa, DVM, veterinary consultant for Doglab.com.

These dogs are loyal, affectionate and alert and their socializing should start at a young age. They get along very well with other pets as well. 

Portuguese Water Dogs

The Portuguese water dogs “have hair, not fur, and no undercoat … so allergy burden is less,” explains otolaryngologist Giri Venkatraman, MD, founder of personalized healthcare service GiriMD.

According to the American Kennel Club, the Portuguese water dog can be groomed in two ways, namely “The retriever clip (the entire coat is clipped to one inch in length, with the tail tip at full length) or the more check-me-out lion clip, where the coat on the hindquarters and muzzle is clipped down to the skin.”

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