Categories: Pets

Brilliant Photos of Dogs Jumping in the Air

These perfectly-timed pictures show dogs flying through the air as they leap towards the camera in search of treats. The hilarious snaps are the result of a year-long passion project by amateur photographer Daniel Sheridan. He started appealing for pet pooches to photograph on social media last year and ended up with a fantastic collection of mid-air images.

This hilarious picture of Frasier the Shetland Sheepdog is the result of a year-long passion project by amateur photographer Daniel Sheridan from Bournemouth. He takes pictures of dogs as they leap over obstacles and captures them mid-air. Read on to find out more!

Through a combination of trial and error, the lure of treats and good luck, Daniel manages to capture the hairy animals at the very moment they hang in mid air. Pictures is Buzz the Pomeranian who looks like a ball of fur as he jumps over a pile of logs.

Daniel started appealing for pet pooches to photograph on social media last year and ended up with a fantastic collection of mid-air images. This one shows Dexter the flying pug who appears to have surprised himself at how high he can jump.

Daniel, from Bournemouth, Dorset, started taking the heat-warming photos last year and it has developed into a passion. This picture shows Einstein the Husky leaping over a fallen branch in the woods near his home in Dorset.

It’s Prince the Boston Terrier! This hilarious image was captured by tricking the pesky pooch into running for some treats and placing obstacles for him to jump over along the way.

Daniel, who himself owns seven dogs, said: ‘It all started with a social media appeal really when I asked people if they would be willing to give up an hour of their time to meet me with their dogs.’ Pictured is Bailey the Cockapoo.

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