Faith in cat-world restored!Oh, boy – he wants to hug me..again..Mom, I know you love me, but I can’t breathe right now!This is what I call a long-distance kiss!When he says “you’re so sweet” and you realise he actually meant it..But it’s the tenth hug you ask for, honey!Turning your lover into a pillow is ALWAYS a good idea.This looks like the ideal cute, but stupid, but cute family!Mom’s face definitely says “please, help me with this child!”What is this little fella sad about?Come on, buddy, it’s gonna be alright! She’s just a girl!We all have that one friend that’s a bit..different!When you made plans for dinner, but your friend is too lazy..Oh, come on, move over! You’ve been here all day long, brother!No matter how it’s done – a hug stays a hug!I told the babysitter to keep him away..Could I please enjoy my dinner without your love interrupting me?You know it’s true love when he hugs you while he’s sleeping!No matter how annoying they get, at the end of the day, it’s all about love.If he asks why his eyes have a different color, don’t say a word!She’ll be back one day, buddy, don’t be sad..Honey, I know you have a moment, but we’re about to fall off the cliff!Love doesn’t care about race or gender!When your spouse is mad and you’re acting sweet to calm him down..Can we play once more, please? – she said after 10 gaming sessions