Categories: Pets

11 Things You Need to Know About Dog Diets, According to Vets

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As you probably know, preparing a meal for your dog or other pets is not always the easiest, because you have to be really careful what food you give them. They may be allergic to some ingredients and if you do not take their issues into consideration you risk endangering their lives and they can even die.

When you decide to adopt a little innocent soul, one of the most important things to keep your pet healthy is to choose the right type of diet, apart from exercise and mental health. You have to keep in mind that choosing the best cuisine for your dog is the key to keeping them healthy for a long time.

So, read on to find out more about the diet you should have for your beloved friend, according to vets!

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The diet should be different for every dog

Well, just like people, dogs should have different diets because some are healthier on plant based diets and others should eat meat to feel better. Of course, if you want to find out what kind of products your dog should consume then you have to schedule a consultation with your veterinarian. Do not make the decision by yourself because you can even kill your pet if you feed it improperly and poorly. 

“The more decades I spend in veterinary medicine with an emphasis on nutrition, the more I’m convinced that diets for dogs are highly individualized and you have to pay attention to how your dog is doing on the diet you’re feeding,” says Ernie Ward, DVM in San Francisco and founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.

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Prepare the meal of your dog based on its nutrients, not only ingredients

In general, people choose to feed their pets according to their own culinary preferences. For instance, vegan or vegetarian people will opt for a plant based diet to delight their little furry friend, while people who eat aliments based on meat probably think that it is the good option for their dogs as well – and that’s not wrong at all, whether you choose meat or plants. 

BUT what is important is to make sure you have the right nutrients for your pet’s diet. Moreover, veterinarians do not recommend you to feed your dog with a raw diet, because they do not contain all the essential nutrients. “Make sure whatever diet you choose is nutritionally adequate,” Dr. Ernie Ward says. 

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Try to avoid processed foods

Processed foods could be really bad for your pet’s health and this is the case for humans as well. You and your dogs should stay away from these caloric bombs if you want to live longer and to be healthy. 

According to Judy Morgan, DVM, a holistic veterinarian in Clayton, New Jersey, and author of Yin & Yang Nutrition for Dogs, “Processed food, which are foods that have been cooked at high heat or undergone an extrusion process, will never offer the fresh nutrients that you get from eating fresh food. As with people, when dogs eat highly processed foods, we see an increase in chronic inflammation which can show up as arthritis, chronic elevation of liver enzymes, immune thyroiditis, and inflammatory bowel disease, among others.”

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Always check the AAFCO label

The Association of American Feed Control Officials, also known as AAFCO, is a voluntary membership association of local, state and federal agencies. Their members are charged by their local, state or federal laws to regulate the sale and distribution of animal feeds and animal drug remedies. They can help you choose the food that contains all the nutrients that you need for your pet. Nonetheless, AAFCO does not guarantee you that the nutrients are actually in those products and to make sure that you are on the right path you should check the European Pet Food Industry guidelines – it will help you with the nutrients levels that should be in some ailments.

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Wet food will always be the best option 

If you wanted to feed your pet with wet food but you thought that it might not be a good idea you should know that wet foods have more essential nutrients than dry ones. So feel free to give your pet what is good for its health and wellbeing. 

“You get higher protein and moisture content so it’s more specific to what dogs need,” according to Dr. Morgan. 

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You can choose a low grain based diet for your pet

According to numerous specialists, there are some dogs that suffer from various allergies caused by different ingredients and they should be fed without grains or maybe a low quantity. 

“Grains are carbohydrates which contribute calories and can lead to weight gain so I recommend a reduced carbohydrate diet, or in other words, a lower grain content. Bacteria produced by the gut are important for giving the immune system what it needs,” Morgan says. 

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Try to make dry food

If you prefer to feed your dog with dry kibble and you are not a fan of canned food, then all you have to do is to create the products by yourself. But if you want to make your own grains, just keep in mind that it is important to avoid onions, citrus, grapes, peaches and more.

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Make sure that the food you choose caters for the age of your dog

I am sure that you already know this information, but it is important to remind you that your animals – whether we talk about cats and dogs or other exotic pets – need a different diet that is appropriate for its’ life stage. So next time you go shopping just try to buy products specific to their age. For example, puppies have different needs than a senior dog, or a pregnant mother needs more nutrients than an adult dog because she has to feed her babies.

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You can opt for frozen meals as well

Cooked frozen meals are good for dogs not just humans, and I know that there are many people who prefer to eat a quick meal that is also healthy and fresh. 

“Freeze-dried or rehydrated meals offer similar benefits as frozen fresh meals. Although they require a small amount of work, usually mixing the food with water, they’re probably healthier than kibble. These foods are closer to whole-food nutrition, which is always better for dogs,” Dr. Morgan says.

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Do not buy a lot of dry kibble bags

A bag of kibble should be eaten within three weeks because it should create oxidation. If you want to store the food properly, then all you need to do is to keep the food in a box with a lid or a jar. 

“Kibble is sprayed with fats for nutrition and taste, but those fats will oxidize quickly and become rancid, which can cause pancreatitis and inflammation in your pet,” Dr. Morgan explains. 

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Do not feed your dog more than two times a day

We all know that dogs can eat all the food in the world in just one day, right? But it is not recommended to feed your beloved furry friend more than two times a day. In some cases, veterinarians say that you can prepare for your dog just one meal a day, but only if it is overweight. If you give your dog more than two meals a day, then it can easily gain weight. 

“Their stomach can expand to five times its volume, which is almost unique in the animal world,” Dr. Ward says. 

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