This Is What Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You

Lip licks

This behaviour is supposed to appease a person or perceived threat. The dog tries to show it’s not a threat and wants to be left alone. However, some dogs will do this when they are hungry. It’s all about context.

Hackles up

The hairs along the backbone are called the hackles, and spring up when the dog experiences surprise or nervousness. It’s an involuntary response, but dogs can recognise it in each other and respond appropriately.

Submissive tail

Tucking the tail between the back legs shows a dog is conceding to a human or another dog that has dominance. This makes the dog look smaller overall, and hides a vulnerable area that another dog could otherwise grasp in its jaws.

Playful pose

This in an invitation to play known as a bow. While the front limbs are flat to the ground the rear end stays firmly in the air. In wild wolves most play is confined to the first few years of life, but domestic dogs play throughout their lives.

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