Categories: Facts

Did you Know These Facts About Reindeer?

Reindeer are thought to have first been domesticated by Arctic peoples at least 3,000 years ago (and perhaps as long as 7,000 years ago) in northern Eurasia (Lapland) and still remain the only deer species to be widely domesticated. They are used as beasts of burden and farmed for milk, meat, and their hides. Find out more!

Reindeer are built for staying warm in freezing temperatures. They originally inhabited the tundra and forests of Scandinavia and northern Russia, and were then introduced into Iceland, Greenland, Alaska, and Canada. They are covered in hair from their nose to the bottom of their feet!

Having hairy hooves may look funny, but they give reindeer a good grip when walking on frozen ground, ice, mud, or snow. Spongy footpads help them walk in marshy fields, and in winter, their hooves harden so they can dig into the ice or snow and keep from slipping.

Depending on where they live, reindeer have to watch out for golden eagles, gray wolves, brown bears, Arctic foxes, mountain lions, coyotes, lynx, and dholes. A healthy adult reindeer is usually safe from predators, especially in a large herd, where many individuals can watch for danger. It is the youngest reindeer calves that are most susceptible to predation.

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