Categories: Facts

Amazing and Fun Facts About Owls

Owls can almost turn their heads all the way around, but it’s not quite a 360 turn. They can turn their necks 135 degrees in either direction, which gives them 270 degrees total movement. There are 220 species of owls in the world. Find out more!

Owls are able to turn their heads without injury or cutting off blood to their brain because they have a blood-pooling system that powers their brain and eyes during a dramatic neck twist.

An owl’s eyes are so well-developed that they are not balls but rather tubes that are held into place by a bony structure. This means an owl can only look straight ahead. An owl must turn its head to look side to side.

Owls ears are placed asymmetrically and are different sizes. This allows them to receive sounds at different times and pinpoint the exact location of the sound.

An owl’s flattened face funnels sound to their ears so that they can detect even the slightest noise. The Eurasian eagle owl is one of the largest species of owl in the world. They will also eat anything, including large prey such as full-grown foxes or young deer.

While some owls seem to have a talent for swimming, experts point out that swimming is actually the last resort for these birds. They have no way to defend themselves once they are in the water, and they can only take off from land.

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