Categories: Facts

Scientific Benefits of Being a Cat Owner

The truth is that our pets will always be there for us to improve our moods when we are sad or if we had a bad day. Even if you leave them alone in the house all day, your pets are happy when they see you. Studies have shown that cats help you be happier and will bring good energy into your life. Find out more!

In general, every animal can be good for your heart. Experts said that cats could lower the level of stress and anxiety easier than other animals. Studies found that if you are petting a cat, the intensity of stress will decrease.

Cat owners were 30% less likely to die of a heart attack than those who don’t own one. Moreover, 41% of the studied people said that they sleep better with a cat.

When you lose someone you love is terribly painful. But some therapists say that one of the best ways of coping is to own a pet. It is recommended to talk to your pet when you carry a heavy burden because it can’t respond and can’t judge you.

If you spend time alone often because you don’t have friends, or maybe you are just single, the solution is to get a cat! 82% of women respondents said that they are more attracted to men who like animals.

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