Categories: Facts

Find Out If Your Pet Is Actually Sad

You might think feelings are a purely human characteristic. You’d be wrong—because your pet has plenty of them, too. As Dr. Rachel Barrack of NYC’s Animal Acupuncture explained: “[Animals] experience a full range of emotions, ranging from happiness to sadness and even depression.”

Yes, believe it or not, your pet has the ability to feel a whole spectrum of emotions, including misery. That said, unlike a human, an animal can’t verbally communicate when something is wrong—which means it’s on you to keep an eye out.

Here, we’ve rounded up some of the telltale signs your cat or dog might be suffering from pet depression, so they don’t have to go another minute suffering in silence.

They’re Not Eating

If you take your dog on vacation only to find that they’re noticeably absent during dinner, then it might be time to consider that he or she is feeling down in the dumps in the strange environment. Just like humans, dogs will exhibit decreased appetites when they are preoccupied with their own stress and anxiety.

They’re Biting

Try not to take it personally if your once cuddly cat or dog is now nipping at you whenever you try to pet them. Odds are that this is just your furry friend’s way of letting you know—albeit, painfully for you—that they aren’t feeling like themselves. In fact, one Spanish study closely analyzed “aggressive” dogs and concluded that, compared to nonaggressive canines, they all had lower levels of the hormone serotonin, which is linked to depression and anxiety.

They’re Sleeping Less (or More)

When a pet becomes depressed, “their… sleeping habits often change,” John Ciribassi, DVM, former president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, told WebMD. Both insomnia and excess sleep can be signs of a miserable dog or cat, so don’t hesitate to make an appointment with the vet should your pet exhibit a shift in their sleeping patterns.

They Don’t Want to Play

According to Dr. Ciribassi, another telltale sign of misery in pets is when “they don’t participate in the things they once enjoyed.” And this is even more likely to be a sign that your animal is in a slump if you recently relocated or someone in the family passed away, as both of these can cause depression in animals and humans alike.

They’re Hiding From You

No, your animal isn’t playfully trying to initiate a game of hide-and-go-seek. If your dog or cat is nowhere to be found for the better part of the day and this is unusual for them, then it’s time to consider that they might be hiding from you for a reason: because they’re sad.

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