Categories: Facts

Mandrills: Big and Brilliant Monkeys

Mandrills are the largest and most colorful of the Old World monkeys. They are related to baboons and even more so to drills. Their furry head crest, mane, and beard are quite impressive. But what grabs your attention is their bright coloration. They have thick ridges along the nose that are purple and blue, red lips and nose, and a golden beard. It almost looks like they’re not real! Find out more!

An adult male mandrill that has the brightest and most distinctive colors on his face seems to be most attractive to females. Well, those colors impress the ladies.

Mandrills live in the rain forests of equatorial Africa. They have long arms and can travel long distances on the ground. They do climb trees, though, and even sleep there, selecting a different tree each evening.

Male mandrills spend most of their time on the ground, foraging for seeds, nuts, fruits, and small animals. Females and youngsters find their food in the trees.

The females choose which males they want to socialize and breed with. Only the most colorful and social males sire the majority of the offspring. Those colors fade on a male that loses status. Also, females usually give birth to one baby.

The infant is born with a dark fur coat, pinkish face, white hair on their arms and legs, a black cap of hair on the head, and open eyes. It can cling to the mother’s belly immediately.

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