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Black House Spiders and Their Story

The Black House Spider is a common species of Australian spider. They live in most areas of Australia and they prefer urban habitat. These spiders are sometimes referred to as ‘Window Spiders‘. Black House Spiders belong to the family Desidae along with the Grey House Spider (Badumna longinquus). Find out more!

Black House spiders particularly like trees that have been attacked by wood-boring insects, as the sap flowing from the bored holes attracts flies, beetles, butterflies, bees and ants, which the spider can prey upon easily.

In the house, Black House spiders feed upon household pests attracted to the light of windows and lamps, where the spiders tend to build their webs. Electric lights attract their other prey which also includes moths and mosquitoes.

When the male Black House spider finds a female in their webs, the male plucks the web of the female to attract her attention. Once the male has made sure that the female will be receptive, he can safely approach and inseminate her with his palps. They may then stay together for several days and may mate again several times.

The female Black House spider constructs several white silk egg sacs, which are secured within the web retreat. The female stays with the eggs until they hatch. The spiderlings then disperse. The spiders mature during summertime and live for about two years.

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