Categories: Facts

The Incredible Life of Common Frogs

The Common Frog (Rana temporaria) is also known as the European Common Frog or European Common Brown Frog. It is found throughout much of Europe as far north as the Arctic Circle. Find out more!

Common frogs are largely terrestrial outside the breeding season and can be found in meadows, gardens and woodland. They hibernate and breed in puddles, ponds, lakes and canals, muddy burrows and can also hibernate in layers of decaying leaves and mud at the bottom of ponds.

The fact that they can breathe through their skins allows them to stay underwater for much longer periods of time when they are hibernating.

Adult will feed on any invertebrate of a suitable size. Snails, slugs, worms, beetles, woodlice and flies are all flicked into the frogs wide mouth by its long tongue.

The frogs hunt/catch these animals by catching them on their long, sticky tongues. The diets change significantly throughout their lives, the oldest frogs will feed only on land, younger frogs will also feed in the water.

Tadpoles are mostly herbivores, feeding on algae, detritus (bodies of dead organisms) and some plants. They will also eat other animals in small amounts. Common frogs do not feed throughout the breeding season.

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