Categories: Facts

Bird Facts You Won’t Believe Are Actually True

The bird world is a fascinating – and strange – place. From a bird with claws on its wings to another bird’s ability to recognize human faces, there’s a lot of interesting things to know about various bird species.

Here are some bizarre bird facts with which to impress your friends and family at trivia nights.

Chickens and ostriches are the closest modern relatives to Tyrannosaurus rex

Although a link between dinosaurs and modern birds had long been suspected, in 2008 research was published in the journal Science that found molecular evidence, according to Smithsonian Magazine.

It’s worth noting that chickens and ostriches aren’t that closely related themselves, so there’s certainly more information to be discovered.

Baby hoatzins have tiny claws on their wings

Native to the Amazon, hoatzin babies have tiny claws on their wings – as well as on their feet. Since their nests are in trees that frequently overhang water, it’s a safety feature for when predators try to eat the babies. Baby hoatzins can simply hop down into the water, then climb back up the tree when it’s safe, according to Audubon.

Crows and ravens are extremely intelligent

According to National Geographic, crows can use tools and solve logic puzzles. Further, scientists believe that ravens may even pre-plan their tasks – a trait previously thought to be exclusively human.

Pigeons can recognize human faces

Not only that, but they can also use touch screens – and apparently even learn to read.

In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists established that pigeons can learn to recognize around 50 words – and crucially, that they can distinguish words from non-words.

Ospreys love to catch fresh fish – but they often want to transport their food somewhere closer to home before eating it. Their strong talons and the pads on their feet allow them to do this – but picking up a big, slippery fish that might still be wriggling around can make flying difficult.

According to Cornell Ornithology Lab’s Birds of North America, ospreys specifically situate their fish in their grasp so that it is as aerodynamically streamlined as possible. A fish is held parallel to the osprey’s body, head forward, so that it doesn’t increase drag as the osprey flies toward home.

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