Categories: Facts

How The Otter Project Will Save The Creatures’ Lives

The Otter Project is a group of scientists and conservationists who are championing the otters’ survival, one cause at a time. Since their creation they have achieved many landmark rulings for otters, tackling issues such as water quality and pollution, protecting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and also using scientific literature and data to monitor environmental factors like the effects of offshore oil drilling, spill response and shipping traffic.

In 2004 the group successfully opposed the development of 36 offshore oil leases

All of these factors and mere contribute to the prevalence of the sea offer species. Some of the main achievements of The Otter Project include the abolishment of ‘no otter zones’, which were set up by the fishing and oil industries, as it was thought that the presence of otters would have a negative, effect on these industries. The Otter Project and its supporters managed to get the US Fish and Wildlife Service to reevaluate the effectiveness of the area, which ended up with the ‘no otter zone’ being, abolished, affording otters the protection they deserve.

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