Our dogs are precious to us. And we like to believe that they love us back as well. But what if they feel the exact opposite about us Have you ever wondered about that? Well, wonder no more, because there are some signs that will tell you if they do or not.
Here’s what you need to watch out for:
1. They leave their “business” on things
There’s nothing more unpleasant than finding out that your pet peed on your precious furniture or belongings. There can be a lot of reasons for why that happens, but if it keeps happening and your vet says that there’s nothing wrong with their health, you should consider the fact that they simply don’t like you.
However, it can also mean they are just anxious or they lack exercise.
Click on the next page to see other signs that mean your dog doesn’t love you:
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2. They start chewing your stuff
Dogs chew. This is a straight fact. But this destructive behavior can be the result of fear, anxiety, or the lack of attention. Firstly, you should go to the vet and check if it’s a health-related problem or not.
3. They bite
Animals will be animals. Even your beloved pet will return to its basic instincts. If they bite you, it means they are responding to threatening or hurtful behavior. However, if they bite you when you’re cuddling with them, then you should back off and potentially take them to a vet.
They may be showing aggressive behavior because they are injured or sick.
4. They start scratching
When our pet starts scratching us, we are beyond annoyed. But that annoying behavior means something. They are trying to tell the owner something is bothering them, and they want some personal space.
This can also be a response to anxiety. Just like us, our pets can feel anxious or depressed and they tend to act accordingly.
5. They start growling at you
If your pet starts growling at the mailman, well that’s their fair opinion. But if you become the next target, then you should start taking it personally. You shouldn’t punish them because they can become even more defensive.
Or worse, they will start biting if they haven’t already.
6. They hide from you
Sounds a lot like humans, doesn’t it? Or are we the only ones that do that with other people we don’t like? If your beloved furry pet starts doing that, it means they are upset with you or they feel threatened by you.
This shows that they need some distance from you. However, this can also be a sign of illness, so if they are frequently out, consider taking them to a vet.
7. They ignore your commands
What’s the best way of dealing with people you don’t like? You ignore them. Well, apparently, our pets heard of this advice as well because some of them will do just that if they don’t like you.
Not only will they ignore you, but they will also ignore your commands. Some experts reveal that they ignore information that they don’t find relevant.
8. They won’t sleep nor eat
When they have negative emotions and feelings, they tend to lose their appetite and will lack sleep. This can also be a cause of some illness so you should first talk to a vet and make sure there’s nothing to it.