Categories: Facts

Top 10 Animal Facts Of The Week (3)

#1. A group of flamingos is known as a ‘flamboyance of flamingos.’

#2. A group of pheasants is referred to as a ‘bouquet of pheasants.’

#3. These adorable baby puffins are actually called ‘pufflings.’

#4. Chimp babies play with dolls in a similar way to human babies.

#5. Rats can laugh.

#6. This animal, called quokka, is the happiest-looking animal in the world.

#7. Trained pigeons can tell the difference between a Picasso painting and a Monet one.

#8. The peacock mantis shrimp can throw a punch at 50 km/h, which is faster than than a .22 caliber bullet.

#9. Wild chimps living in Guinea drink fermented palm sap, which contains about 3% alcohol.

#10. The Chevrotain is an animal living in the woods that looks like a small deer, but it has fangs.

Chevrotain, Mouse-deer In national park of Thailand
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