Categories: Facts

Top 10 Animal Facts Of The Week (1)

#1. Sea otters are holding hands during their sleep so they won’t drift away from one another.

#2. Cows have best friends and they panic when they can’t find each other on the field.

#3. Squirrels forget where they hide most of their nuts, which is why so many trees grow every year.

#4. Butterflies sense the taste of flowers with their feet.

#5. Jellyfish may have the longest life hope of all beings on Earth.

#6. Bunnies jump and twist when they’re really happy or excited. This habit is called ‘binky.’

#7. Male whales create mating songs and dance moves that become popular between groups according to their success among females.
It’s like a pop song goes viral in the human world.

#8. Gentoo penguins mate for life and their proposal is made using the most beautiful pebble they can find around.

#9. Seahorses are among the few monogamous life mates. They hold each other’s tail to stay together for the rest of their lives.

#10. Male puppies usually let females win fighting games in order to make them feel safe and to get to know them better.

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