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What should you do?

The first and most urgent thing that you need to do is to go to the vet and tell them what plant you think your cat has eaten. They will know what to do and what to prescribe to your beloved pet. In addition, remove the plant that your cat seemed to have been intoxicated with.

However, if you have loads of plants in your place and you are not certain which one poisoned your pet, take a sample of the plant or material your cat vomited to the vet.

Diagnosis and treatment

Taking them to the vet is the right answer in these situations, they are experts in the field, and they know what caused them to feel like that and what you should be doing next in order to prevent the situation from happening again.

You should know that in these cases your veterinarian will give them some medication that will provoke vomiting in order to eliminate the poisonous part. Based on what they ingested they will tell you what other medicine your cat should take in order to be in better shape.



You don’t need to feel like a bad parent, and you don’t need to be concerned, These things happen frequently and it’s an accident that can happen to anyone. The most important thing is to take care of your cat in a responsible way and make sure this doesn’t happen again.

In the end, they will be fine if you caught the issue in time and you took them to the doctor. After taking their medication and getting some rest, they will be as good as new.

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