9. Collie
- Median lifespan: 12.7 years
- Breed popularity rank: 38 out of 193
- Height: 24-26 inches (male), 22-24 inches (female)
- Weight: 60-75 pounds (male), 50-65 pounds (female)

10. Dachshund
- Median lifespan: 12.7 years
- Breed popularity rank: 12 out of 193
- Height: 8-9 inches (standard), 5-6 inches (miniature)
- Weight: 16-32 pounds (standard), 11 pounds & under (miniature)

Shortest Living Dog Breeds
- Havanese
- Median lifespan: 10.3 years
- Breed popularity rank: 24 out of 193
- Height: 8.5-11.5 inches
- Weight: 7-13 pounds

2. Boxer
- Median lifespan: 10.3 years
- Breed popularity rank: 11 out of 193
- Height: 23-25 inches (male), 21.5-23.5 inches (female)
- Weight: 65-80 pounds (male), 50-65 pounds (female)
39 thoughts on “”
It is too bad that our dogs mans best friends can not live as long as we do.
We will never have a true friend as true as our four legged friends. I am a animal lover and a dog lover most of all.
May God bless our dogs always.
I believe God made dogs to teach humans how to love.
I agree Linda. In 1967 I had my German Shepard shipped to me from Vietnam. He was my best friend in the world. He was smart as a whip, won eight blue ribbons, four trophies for showmanship and saved my life on more than one occasion. It took me four and a half months to get him home after I left The Nam because he was in quarantine in. To check and make sure he was not carrying any disease or parasites. When I did get him home he went from a strapping 122 pounds down to 82-1/2 pounds. But let me tell you he didn’t care how much he had lost, when he heard my voice in Lansing, MI. he was over half a mile away and he went spastic. He broke away from the guard who bringing him to me, he was so excited to see me it took over half an hour for us to get to me y truck to get him home. He and I had almost 18 years together before he passed on… He was my best pal, my best friend, and my body guard…I have had no other like him in over fifty three years. His name was Kelly-Gunner-Army-Lover-Sutton…Rest in Peace Old Boy…YOU WERE THE BEST OF THE BEST…
You were and ARE a very lucky man to have had that much love in your life, I still miss my Black Lab that we had for 14.5 years.
There is a reason “Dog” is “God spelled backwards! Your trusted friend will send another one day, if he has not already.
Itās always sad when we loose our best friend, I have had several, my oldest dog Beauty was part Australian Shepherd and Dingo, my mom got her as a puppy …..when mom past on we took her in and she lived to be 211/2 yrs old. She was a great companion for mom and us. She loved to go camping.
That was so beautiful and made me cry. I think maybe God did put animals on this earth to teach us how to love. They forever live in our hearts long after they have passed away. ā¤ļøš¾š¾
That was/is a very nice thought.
Glad that you are aN animal lover and dog lover most of all.
Our 4 legged friends can teach the human race so much, if we would only listen!
This is not directed at you , Raceywine , But I was thinking that perhaps the Siberian Husky would live a lot longer if they were not subject to the horror they live.
What horror, Marc? I’m not sure what you are talking about.
Where is the list?
What about Yorkshire
I used to raise Bull Terriers for show many years ago, and normal lifespan was 13-15 years. Don’t short change this amazing breed.
What about the poodles malshi and shitsu they can live 15, 16 years plus many more.
Really, then why is my Havanese 14 years old and in great condition???
life span for an old english sheepdog
How come there are so many Chihuahua’s who live to seventeen eighteen years in our So. California area?
I had one live to 22 years , my next to 21 years and a new 1 year resue that my kids will inherit unless I’m really lucky
when i was a little girl we had a welsh terrier that lived 17 yrs is that common for this breed
What about Irish wolf hounds? I thought they averaged 4-5 years.
I had a Westie,Rat & Scottie terriers all lived 14 yrs.Also a cockapoo that made it to 14 .Do smaller dogs live longer,generally,than larger ones?
Mixed breed dogs seem to outlive purebreds!
Itās the only word in the English Language that has the same letters as God, only backwards!
We have a 18-20 year old Maltese
I had a TEA CUP POODLE that lived to be 20 yrs old. I just had a toy and he passed away last week @ 15 1/2 yrs old. 10/03/2020.Armand from N.H.
what about airdale terries
I have had pugs over the past 30 years. The average life span was 15-17 years old. I have one right now that just turned 16. His father just passed away at 17 years old last year.
I must comment on the Beagle….With proper care , I had one for 17 years . May Zoe Rest in Peace
I had 2 of the most wonderful dogs ever! They were littermates both boys. They were a mix breed of chihuahua, german shepherd and lab (their mom was a purebred chihuahua their dad was a german shepherd lab mix). (Smokey) who was the runt of the litter looked just like a mini german shepherd with chihuahua ears and feet and (Shaddow) who was 1st born of the litter looked like a mini lab with chihuahua ears and german shepherd feet. Smokey was 17 3/4 yrs old when he passed away. Shaddow joined him when he was 18 1/4 yrs old. The vet kept saying these guys will not live past 12 yrs old and when they did the vet said they stayed living, because they were truly loved by everyone in the family. Smokey and Shaddow had feline sister (Sugarfoote)that joined them in March 2020 she was 13 yrs old. Animals were put on this earth to give company and show humans how to love and when the fur babies pass away the humans have a hole in their hearts that never goes away. I miss all my fur babies.
I had always thought our dogs should live as long as we do, as I miss every dog we owned from my childhood on! Then we had to take Dad’s little Jack Russell Terrier in when Dad had to go to a nursing home in his early 80’s! And as I watched Zipper miss his master, I couldn’t help but think that Zipper was grieving , missing his master, worse and longer than I would grieve. (We did take Zipper to visit Dad until Dad passed away But they were cinstant companions before that,)
My beautiful black cocker spaniel TEDDY lived to be 18 plus. Even that was not long enough.
He was never sick but had to be put down suddenly after a stroke.
My little Rat Terrier, 2-Qut, lived 18 years and was my only companion. It just about killed me when she died, like losing a child and I’ve lost 2 children. For 2 months I was still crying every day. On my birthday in July my grandson and his wife brought me a darling cream colored Chagall. I’ve had her 1 1/2 years and she has been a life saver. She has a roller “cage” and goes every where I do. She is so well behaved and never barks or makes any trouble and everyone loves her. She is named Pop-P and I hope she also has a longggg life.
They totally missed the boat on longest living!!!!! That would be Chihuahuas. One I loved for 22 years and my second for21 years, and I have a new 1 year old which will probably be inheirited by one of my sons
You’re right about that. My Chagall is mostly Chihuahua and hopefully will live as long as my Rat Terrier (18 years).