Photo by Pandas from Shutterstock


Despite them being one of the fluffiest dogs out there, there is not much known about the Newfoundland breed: some believe that they could be descendants of the mastiff or that the Vikings could have brought them to North America in their voyages. We will never know how they got to Newfoundland, but one thing is sure! We are glad they did.

The Newfies are very friendly, and they love water, which is why they used to be very popular with fishermen. Guess what? Their coats are also water resistant!

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  1. I had 4 St Bernards and 2 Newfies (not at the same time, except for a St. Bernard and a puppy Saint. loved them all, but they do not live as long as smaller dogs. Of course, there are special ones that live a tad longer, Mostly 8-10 years. The undercoat keep them warm and they are water dogs. Had a kiddie pool for the Newfies and would put tennis balls in the water and they would rescue them out. Used to get a full trashbag full of undercoat when brushed, (literally). Would leave some out for the birds and they would take it to lne their nests. The lucky little ones. St. Bernards did not particularly like water, but were right at home with the snow and the Newfies, obviously water. LOVED LOVED both breeds. Now have had to downsize to a toy poodle who has his own personality, I had a dog since I was 7 and now am 77, soon to be 78.

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