Photo by Allard One from

1. In the state of Alabama there are:

Southern Black Widow-the cousin of Black Widow, will eat their mate, it’s rarely fatal and has longer legs compared to the body, they can have red patches on top of the abdomen;
• Northern Black Widow- its bite causes severe pain and must be treated urgently, the mating season is in April-May;
• Brown Widow- shaped like an hourglass and has a much more light color, their bites are not dangerous, but they are painful;
• Brown Recluse- if they bite you urgently need medical care, they can be brown to dark grey, they have a violin
• Chilean Recluse- one of the most deadly spiders in the world, it’s brown and has some marks on its dorsal side;
• Mediterranean Recluse-its bite can cause severe skin issues, it’s sometimes confused with the brown recluse.

If you live here, we’ll pray for you.

2. You may be happy to learn there are no dangerous species in Alaska (we know where we’ll be moving).

If you happen to live in Alaska you can breathe normal again. Once we book our flight we’ll do the same.

3. In Arizona you may encounter : 

Arizona Brown Spider- part of the Sicariidae family

Even though we expected to find more species here we can happily say we aren’t disappointed.

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