You have the chance to find a pet that suits your personality
In general, there are a lot of shelters that take into consideration the personality traits of an animal and focus on these characteristics. They also analyze the behavior and needs of these cats and dogs and try to find the perfect owner for them. So, whether you believe it or not, there is a good chance you will meet the perfect animal that suits your personality at a shelter. “Shelter staff put in a lot of work to learn about the dog and set him or her up for a successful transition into a new home,” says DiCicco.
“An animal shelter is invested in the well-being of its animals, and many are committed to creating matches that take an animal’s personality, dream home, and special needs into account,” says DiCicco.
However, adopting a pet will improve your life as well. In fact, many studies have shown that animals can actually boost your health and they are beneficial especially for people who suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. “Having a dog keeps you active, reduces stress, and helps children do better in school and avoid allergies,” says Keith. “And the extra warm glow you get knowing you adopted can’t hurt.”