You should adopt a pet, not buy one!
Many people opt for buying a pet from their local pet store because they want a purebred dog or cat. But in case you did not know this before, there are a lot of cats and dogs that are actually purebred, but they were abandoned by their owners. Moreover, 34 percent of dogs are from breeders and 23 percent of canines are from a shelter, the American Pet Products Association (APPA) reported.
According to Kelly DiCicco, manager of adoption promotions at the ASPCA, “Dogs and cats from pet stores often come from cruel conditions and irresponsible breeders.”
You have to keep in mind that every pet bought from a pet store or breeder means another animal that will never find a loving owner and home.
“If you’re considering bringing a pet into your home, remember that purchasing from a pet store only helps to further the profits and continued business of puppy mills. Instead, rescue a wonderful animal like these little guys from a shelter and you’ll have a special friend for life who’ll be eternally grateful to you for providing a good home,” said Ben Kerns, The Dodo.