Adopting a pet is one of the most important decisions that you can make, especially when you choose a shelter animal. But before making this choice it is important to consider both the benefits and disadvantages of adopting an animal.
“We’ve seen an increase in adoptions across the country over the years,” says Kelly DiCicco, manager of adoption promotions at the ASPCA. But even though there are many people who choose to adopt a shelter pet, there are also a lot of animals that need a home and a chance at a new life.
If you have ever wondered why you should choose to adopt a shelter dog, maybe the answer is because they are truly adorable, loyal and deserves an owner who loves it back. In addition, adopting a pet is one of the very best ways to bring more happiness into your life.
So, instead of buying an animal from your local pet store or a breeder, there are a lot of reasons that can change your mind and convince you to adopt a shelter one. Read on for more!