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Pyrenean Shepherd

The Shepherd breed of the Pyrenees is native to Central Asia and Siberia and is a descendant of the Kuvasz, Maremma and St. Bernard. Until the Middle Ages, this dog was specific to mountain areas in Europe, later becoming the favorite dog of the noble families.

This dog breed was trained and raised especially for guiding and guarding the flocks of sheep and even for guarding the houses.

The Pyrenean Shepherd is a large dog, with an imposing, elegant and athletic appearance. It has a tall and strong body, wide and deep chest, straight and wide back, and medium-sized neck. (see more on the next page)

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1 thought on “”

  1. I looked up Lundehund and according to Google translate that means Puffin.
    I would have thought that it would be some kind of *****hound.
    Does anyone know what it means in Norway?

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