The reaction to body language
As I mentioned before, one of the most important things that you have to keep in mind when you decide to adopt a feline is socialization. In other words, the earlier the training begins, the more it will create a close connection with you. Intelligent cats can react to your body language as well, especially when you point your finger. For instance, there are many studies that have shown the fact that cats can actually find food when their owner points to it. Dogs, on the other hand, tend to stare at the owner’s finger.
In addition, many clever cats can recognize their owner’s voice and depend on the tone that he uses, the cat can change its behavior. For example, if you are serious or angry and you tell your pet to get off of the couch, the cat will get down.
“With millions of cats in our homes it’s really important to understand their behavior and how they process the world,” said Vitale.