Photo by Omaly Darcia / Shutterstock


According to Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with the Allergy & Asthma Network, “Balinese are known to produce less of the allergen Fel d 1.” This allergen is the most common allergen that can be found in cats. The Balinese cat is not as loud as its relative Siamese, but they will let you know when they are hungry or need something else. They are highly intelligent, agile and athletic. Brush their teeth to prevent periodontal disease and groom it twice a week to remove the dead hair. So, if you want to adopt this hypoallergenic pet breed, you won’t regret your choice. 

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. Basenjis- wonderful breed for people with allergies. Clean themselves like cats, very little shedding, usually only have an smelly coat after rolling in something or if they are I’ll.

    Dachshunds- short haired or wired haired also low allergic reactions

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