Photo by Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

Carpet cleaners can affect your pet’s health

Well, you should know that carpet cleaners contain some solutions that can adversely affect your pet’s health (and yours as well), such as glycol ethers. Unfortunately, these toxic chemicals can cause serious damage to your kidneys and lungs and other serious health problems such as leukemia. So, it is very important to choose the right products when cleaning your house. 

Instead, you should vacuum your carpets properly and opt for other gentle products that are not harmful to your health. 

When you try different carpet cleaners, maybe you notice some effects such as your eyes getting wet, your hands can be wounded, your throat getting itchy and various skin irritations. So, if you experience these uncomfortable symptoms it means that these cleaners are toxic for your health. 

Carpet cleaners that contain chemicals such as perchloroethylene, naphthalene, butyloxy ethanol can affect children’s and pets’ health badly because they are more susceptible as they play with their toys on the carpet.

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