Photo by byrdyak / Envato Elements

Green Sea Turtle

  •  only between 3000 and 5500 left

Green sea turtles are very interesting animals, from their diet to their habitat. For instance, they have a special diet that usually changes at every stage of life. When they are young they will actually eat a lot of worms, baby crustaceans, various aquatic insects, grasses and a lot of algae. When they are adults, they mostly eat sea grass and algae as they become herbivorous. 

You will rarely see a green sea turtle in the open ocean because it lives near the coastline and around the islands. They usually live in protected areas, especially in locations with seagrass beds. 

The green sea turtles are endangered because they are hunted by people for their eggs and their meat. They are also skinned to make various objects or clothes. Of course, many turtles die because they are suffocated by the garbage.

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