Photo by Chalabala / Envato Elements

Asian Elephant

  • only between 40000 and 50000 left

The Asian elephant can reach 3 meters in height and a maximum weight of 5 tons. They have a very massive body and their ears are triangle shaped but are smaller than African elephants’. 

This elephant generally feeds during the day, but sometimes it becomes active at night because it is quite difficult to find food. 

Currently, the Asian elephant is in danger of extinction and it can be found in India, Cambodia, Thailand, East Pakistan, Sumatra Island, Ceylon, Laos and Nepal. In India, elephants are protected by law because their numbers have dropped dramatically, due to the extension of eucalyptus plantations and agricultural lands. Unfortunately, they are considered pests in agricultural fields, because they destroy sugar plantations and rice crops. 

The female has a gestation period of one year and nine months then have a single calf that initially weighs 90 kg.

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