Photo by New Africa from

6. Train them to pee only in some places

You can take them to special training courses or you can try it yourself.

What’s causing my dog to do this?

Sometimes it can be something else other than an untrained character or a rebellious mind such as:

1. Anxiety

Dogs have anxiety as well, not just humans and it can cause them a lot of mixed feelings and it can drive them to do odd or unpleasant things, such as peeing on your favorite chair. This can come from various things such as a sudden change in your household.

They don’t like change and they can become very anxious about it. It can come from a decreased level of paid attention you’ve been giving them or even from seeing another dog through the window.

Try and eliminate those things in his life and see if the peeing stopped. If it didn’t, talk to the vet and they will prescribe a specific medication for it.

2. They just want to mark their territory 

This is mostly done by male dogs who haven’t been neutered yet and they want to show off by marking their territory (not so different from humans as far as I’m concerned).

3. They are just very excited to see you

The amount of jokes we want to make on this topic, though.

4. Lack of training

5. Medical condition

If your dog is trained and you don’t think anything else can be at fault for their sudden behavior change, then it might be something medical. Call the vet and schedule an appointment with them so you can check if everything is alright with your beloved furry companion.

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