Photo by nattanan726 from

5. The pet snake of a Roman emperor

Tiberius, a Roman emperor, had a snake as his pet. He would really care about the reptile, some say he would even care for the pet more than he would for his successors (that’s kind of extreme isn’t it?!).

Tiberius would feed the snake from his own hand. He would even take it  with him on trips and on one occasion, he found his snake dead covered in ants.

Because he wasn’t exactly liked at that time, his advisors told him it would be better to return and the killing of the snake was a warning.

6. Queen Elizabeth II’s two corgis and one dorgi

The Queen is known for her long term appreciation for corgis. In fact she is often pictured with them.

The dorgi is the short term for the mix between a dachshund and a corgi, and hers came after one of her corgis  mated with her sister’s dachshund.


These examples are the living proof that they have always been our bestfriends. No matter what type, breed or shape, humans will always have a fondness for animals.

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