I might backslide on my potty habits

My new home is really different from the shelter. We were on a schedule there, and I knew when and where I could go potty.

“It can be disorienting for a dog to have to learn a new routine,” says Kim Agricola, director of Medfield Animal Shelter in Medfield, Massachusetts. Set up your new furbaby for success by taking her outside frequently for the first few weeks, then praising her when she goes potty.

When you can’t supervise your dog, confine her to a small area or crate. Then establish a routine. “Take them out first thing in the morning, after meals, before bed, and any time they have been confined or sleeping for more than a few hours,” advises Agricola.

“Be consistent and stick to a routine, and in a matter of weeks, they should adjust to the new schedule.”

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