Photo by Natalia Polupanova / Shutterstock

Its tail is always curving at the tip

If you do not know what are the feelings of your feline for you then all you have to do is to look at its tail and if it is always curving at the tip it means that your cat is really happy around you. 

In an essay Ask a Behaviorist: How Do Cats Show Affection to People?, Catster writes, “Kitties express happiness and warm feelings by fluffing out the base of their tails while subtly quivering them. Simultaneously, they hold their tails upright with a slight curve at the top. [the tail curve] is sometimes called the happy tail dance.”

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3 thoughts on “”

  1. My cat killed a snake in my yard and brought it
    home and ceremoniously laid it on my patio. I
    was not happy about this as the snake was around 2 feet long. ..and the cat was not happy
    as I got the snow shovel with the longest handle
    and moved the snake to where I would not have
    to look at it any more. He also brought home a
    dead squirrel that looked like it’d been thru a
    blender. My cat can also be very gentle and
    comes to my bed at night (hopefully without
    it’s latest victim).

  2. i have a cat that wont let me hold her but on the flip side and lay on me when i am sleeping…

    can you help me with this problem ?

  3. Rebecca Hartman

    2I loved this information. My cat must really love me.

    My cat must really love me. She rolls over for a belly rub, at the same time she bites the that rubs her, and she purrrrs through the whole session.. She is in charge of all things. I feel greatful that she lets me live here.

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