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Nosebleeds are never normal, says Dr. Rocha. “With an older dog, a nosebleed is particularly worrisome. It can be a sign of cancer in the nose,” he says. “With younger dogs, I would worry more about something like a foreign object stuck up there before cancer.”


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Diarrhea or changes in bathroom habits

Occasional diarrhea usually isn’t a sign of cancer in dogs, says Dr. Rocha, but if it persists or gets worse, get your dog to the vet.

Constantly begging to go out to go to the bathroom, difficulty peeing/moving bowels, vomiting, or blood in the urine or stool are also potential dog cancer symptoms, according to PetMD.com.

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4 thoughts on “”

  1. 2 year old lab mix was diagnosed with high grade tumor. It was removed..she has been on medication for over 1 month. Pallidia is one medication of msgs. She has been eating and drinking her water…just just seems like herself. Can the medication help slow down this cancer or heal it?
    Thank you for your time.
    Joyce Ensley

  2. shirley A montanaro

    What causes irritation between dogs paws. My Shizu is 6 years old and her right back foot between her first two toes is very irritated and she keeps licking it and I have been putting hot water on a cue tip to keep it clean and putting a Molotolf liquid between her to toes and she doesn’t seen to have pain but she keeps licking it. Should I take her to a vetinarian or is there something I can order or buy at a pet store for her. I had Molitof but I have run out which you only put one drop on skin irritation,

  3. You didn’t mention sneezing especially sneezing blood. We lost our beautiful Gracie (black YorkiPoo) to cancer of the sinus cavity within 3 weeks of diagnosis. We brought her to the Vet who diagnosed her. 2 weeks later she was back and he found a lump on her forehead. 1 week later I noticed one of her eyes was pushed back to the side of her head. We knew we had to put her to sleep….she couldn’t go another day.

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