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It has a positive reaction when is hearing your name

If you have a pet you know that animals can learn their name and respond to it, but sometimes they will also recognize their owner’s name and have a positive reaction when hearing it. So, if you pay attention to the behavior of your dog you will see that it get excited when someone is calling you. 

“Over time, dogs learn to recognize human names. If they hear a loved one’s name mentioned who isn’t present, they’ll get excited at the thought that they might appear,” said Jamie Richardson, veterinarian and medical chief of staff at Small Door Veterinary, told Insider.

If your pet brings you broken items it means that it loves you

It is said that your dog can actually show you love and trust by giving you broken things. Well, it seems that cats can do the same – when they bring you dead mice it means that they want to protect you because in their mind, you can’t hunt for yourself and they want to help you not die of hunger.

“Some dogs will show their affection for you and faith in your intelligence by bringing you items that need ‘fixing,'” said Michelle L. Szydlowski, veterinary technician and an anthrozoology instructor at Beacon College in Leesburg, Florida.

So, if your dog brings you a dead animal or a toy that needs to be fixed it means that your pet really loves you!

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2 thoughts on “”

  1. Of course animals can show their love! Even wild baby animals I rehabed to be released back to the wild, recognized me a their “mother”. But, wild animals do not make pets!!! When hormones kick in, you can have a very different animal to deal with. So, it is best for you and the animal for it to be returned to the wild. One must guard against human imprint on a wild baby.
    If it is not raised with it’s own kind, wild counter parts will not accept it. Plus, the poor baby won’t know what it is. I always raised babies in a group, of at least, 2 or more, so they learn interaction with their own kind. It is also critical to feed them the same foods they are likely to find once released. There are now powered milk formulas – one for felines and one for dogs. If you don’t know what to do, contact an experienced rehab person or organization for help. In some states it is illegal to own a wild animal unless permitted. Raptors are especially protected under law. It could be illegal to even have feathers from one.
    The most important thing is before you add any pet to your family, do your research! This way you will know what to expect in the future. Don’t buy or adopt on a whim! Educate yourself first! It can save you and the pet, a lot of future distress and heartbreak.

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